Creating Your AI Strategy

Preparing your organization for AI adoption and integration is a crucial step in staying competitive in today’s technology-driven landscape.

Start Your AI Journey with Ai X-Ray


In the early 1990s, artificial intelligence (AI) was deemed a solution looking for a problem. Fast forward thirty years and AI is a main stream discipline impacting almost all aspects of our lives. For local government today, ignoring the potential that AI offers puts you at risk of falling behind the tech curve that your employees, residents, and end-users expect.  Yet knowing this, many organizations still struggle to establish a solid AI strategy. 

Link to Business Value

Crucial to fulfilling the promise of AI is creating a clear link between business value and AI capabilities. After identifying the business value, many government agencies still find it challenging to move AI projects beyond the proof-of-concept stage and into production. CIOs, IT experts, and business leaders face many questions like: Where do we even start? What are our specific objectives? What talent do we need? And should we buy or build?

Most Deployed AI Capabilities

In the local government industry, the AI capabilitiesmost deployed include predictive analytics, classification, and naturallanguage processing. These techniques span the intersecting and sometimesconfusing domains of Machine Learning and Deep Learning. These can be used tosolve specific problems, also known as use cases.

Sentry AI walks you through the five main steps to building a successful AI strategy:

1. Create a Clear Corporate Vision and Set of Objectives
2. Define a Set of Use Cases and Assess the Expected Business Benefit for Each
3. Identify the Data and Infrastructure Necessary to Support the Use Cases
4. Acquire the Appropriate Talent and Establish Governance and a Risk Appetite
5. Create a Practical Roadmap with Immediate, Medium-and Long-Term Benefits

1. Create a Clear Corporate Vision and Set of Objectives

The first step is to articulate a clear corporate or departmental vision and a corresponding set of business objectives that will leverage AI.

2. Define a Set of Use Cases and Assess the Expected Business Benefit for Each

The next step in launching a successful AI strategy is developing the specific use cases to which AI will be applied to achieve the desired outcomes. This is the stage at which the AI strategy really comes to life as leaders identify how the company will use AI and for what expected benefits. Defining the use case starts with ideation, often through workshops with users, to get clarity on the specific business opportunities the organization hopes to seize using AI. Next, with the use case in mind, leaders should determine the expected business benefits of the use case and prototype a solution to prove those benefits and assess the impact on current processes. 

3. Identify the Data and Infrastructure Necessary to Support the Use Cases

With the use cases well defined, the next critical step is identifying the source and type of data needed to support them, as well as the technical infrastructure needed to collect, refine, analyze and model that data.
Organizations may choose to build this infrastructure in-house, buy it all in the cloud or settle on a hybrid of the two. Given the maturity of available cloud services, most companies today are choosing a hybrid approach that enables some customization while also making it easy to get up and running quickly.

4. Acquire the Appropriate Talent and Establish Governance and a Risk Appetite

Building the right team, establishing the appropriate governance to implement and manage the AI strategy and ensuring the strategy aligns with the company’s risk appetite are also crucial to the development of a successful AI strategy. 

Traditional IT departments often need to bring in new talent to successfully implement AI pipelines. New hires most often include data engineers skilled in the preparation of data and systems engineer’s adept in implementing algorithms in the organization’s technical infrastructure. Also needed are experts in theory and modeling who can bring the state of the art in AI to the strategy or help the company develop new secret sauces. Some companies access this expertise through strategic partnerships with academic institutions rather than hiring in-house.

Effective governance is best achieved through a simple oversight structure headed by an Executive Steering Committee or ESC. The ESC is responsible for establishing the AI vision, principles, and guidelines. The ESC also oversees the Design Authority and various other working committees. The Design Authority should assess and approve any new tools, algorithms, and services added to the ecosystem, while the working committees focus on the day-to-day – from use case and business case development to the measurement of AI system performance.

In building an AI strategy, companies must also consider their appetite for at least four types of associated risk:

  • Legal risks related to the failure to adaptor comply with changing regulations on the use of AI.
  • Model risks arising from incorrect or misused models.
  • Reputational risk stemming from an AI-related activity that negatively impacts customers or stakeholders.
  • Operational risk related to the failure or disruption of internal processes.

5. Create a Practical Roadmap with Immediate, Medium-and Long-Term Benefits

Finally, success is most likely when companies create a practical, incremental roadmap for implementation that allows them to build on previous successes. We recommend a 3-5 year roadmap that lays out priorities for the immediate, medium- and long-term as well as the sequence and duration of builds.

Bottom line, at Sentry AI, we believe that a successful AI strategy starts with establishing a clear vision and objectives. Clearly documented use cases are a must and will bring an AI strategy to life, creating an important link between AI and the benefits to the organization. Although each agency’s AI strategy will be unique, the well-defined process described above will help every company build an effective AI strategy – one that helps to ensure business success. 

AI adoption is an ongoing journey, and your business needs to be adaptable and open to change. Sentry helps you connect the important dots to align AI initiatives with your overall business strategy and goals ultimately maximizing the impact on your organization’s success.


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We believe in the power of partnership. Our collaboration with clients goes beyond transactional relationships.  We invest ourselves in your goals, sharing in your challenges and celebrating your victories. Our team is not just skilled in AI, we are passionate about using technology to make a real difference.